The Sunshine Room
At Just for Kidz we believe that a Childs capacity to learn is greater during the first few years than at any other time. Consequently, our staff have been selected according to experience and knowledge of this age range. Staff will ensure your child receives ample of affection, cuddles and close care at this crucial stage of their development.
We understand that babies develop through the use of their senses. Because of this, staff will provide opportunities and experiences to exercise through play materials which are stimulating, and toys to encourage looking and listening. As young children like to discover through their mouth, we will also provide toys of different textures, chosen with hygiene in mind.
As babies get older, moving objects and play materials will be used to promote hand-eye coordination e.g. building bricks, pull along toys and natural materials.
Your child will now be on the move and therefore equipment will be offered to allow freedom of movement and facilitate exploration and mobility. Children?s natural creative flare will be encouraged through messy play, water, sand, painting and sticking. Interaction and communication will be promoted through books, stories and objects that stimulate interest.
Both babies and toddlers require an element of rest whilst at nursery. Just for Kidz staff provide comforting rest areas, where cots sleep mats, blankets and cushions are provided for children to have good quality sleep and rest.
To meet individual needs, staff will meet with you to discuss care routines such as special diet, sleep patterns, comforters and general welfare. Your child will be assigned a KEY PERSON who will ensure your wishes are met in line with our policies and procedures.